
Parking space and Swing

The best way to win back public space is to use the parking we have as effectively as possible. Parking Barrier with Swing is not just another way to park your car. It is for kids who like to play and to interact during daytime and adults who want to find a parking space to store their car overnight. Meant to be used during the nighttime, this parking space doubles as a play space for your kids in the daylight. The parking barrier features a swing that also does double duty. While the kids can play and have fun on the swing, the barrier also ensures that others doesn’t take up the space to park their cars. When you are back from work, the swing hides underneath the ground surface to park your car. The swing bars are concealed in a concrete lab, so no damage to either the swing or your car. The parking-play space is an ideal solution for the urban environment, where kids have to remain inside their homes with no space available for outdoor games.

As the world population is rapidly growing, space become an very important issue. The questions is how can we use the limited space to its full capacity? A parking space without a parked car is not at its full capacity. A parking space can transform to a mini park for the children during the day, and be a normal parking space during the night.

The Parking barrier with swing has double utility. During the day, children can play the swing and at night adults can park cars under the gird. he swing will vanish at night and cars are parked in that place. That way, you will make space for both cars and children to have fun. I have to agree that this is a fantastic idea!

* Image from http://www.popgive.com/2009/04/parking-barrier-with-swing.html

