
Design Objectified

Gary Hustwit's documentary film, "Objectified", is about the ideas, processes and people behind the industrial designs. The film addresses the problem with standardizing designs for the public while maintaining sustainability also. It focus on how designers explain the impact of the objects on consumers’ lives, and what design really is about.

The standardization of designs gives the designer a big picture of what to produce, but it does not lead to an advancement in design. Soon, unique objects become ordinary and people will no longer find any significance in them.

The film begins by stating that initially objects speak to the designer that created it. But then, it is not really about the designer but the people that interact with the object. This interaction reveals that the content of an object varies according to each and every person.

The film shows the viewer that designers have an important job of perceiving the future and anticipating what the consumers will want. Objectified explores and makes obvious of the question that all designers need to ask themselves today, how do we design to better the future?

*Image from http://www.typeneu.com/v2/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/objectified.jpg

