
Human Touch


Human Touch were set up by a group of designers in 1998 to manufacture the belief in design to reality.

The use of simple stick figure can tell a story completely but also let the viewer to add in their own imagination. The use of only two color create a strong contrast to draw the attentions of the viewers.

Human Touch has create many product related to the everyday product, as the design want to show that everything have a story.

"Aesthetics of an object are not only defined by it's exceptional design"...It is a simple belief which all designers at Human Touch continually share and practice. Our goal is to create works that can be universally distinguished and in the end, create in each individual an awareness within the soul and fulfill a physical need.

Human Touch collections are each filled with a story that is both imaginative and functional. This results in not only original designs but items that come alive as they communicate through the language of design.

