
Bauhaus' Inspiration

The Bauhaus movement was founded with the idea of creating a total work of art in which arts are brought together. The Bauhaus style is one of the most influential currents in modern design. The Bauhaus had a strong influence in art, architecture, graphic design, interior design , etc.

Walter Gropius, a German architect, started the Bauhaus movement in Weimer, Germany. Gropius based his work on the harmony between form and function. The Bauhaus movement constantly deal with the question of craftsmanship and mass production and the relationship between u
sefulness and beauty. Many of the issues come up during the Bauhaus movement are still faced by designers today.

Gropius wanted to break down the barrier between classes because he believed that well designed items could reach beyond class. Today, designers make their designs accessible to everyone, reaching beyond class. The main objective of the Bauhaus movement was to unify craft, art, and technology. They believed heavily in the machine, and the idea of a preliminary design course rather than design history. The Bauhaus movement created a new way of thinking that has transposed into design today. Bauhaus created a universal visual language that could be used by all designers and understood by everyone.

A huge inspiration to me in design has been the Bauhaus school. I love what they stood for, architecture and arts. Their use of san-serif fonts, clean lines, flat colors, diagonals, and white space. With the influence of Bauhaus, I continue to prefer designing in a very clean cut manner; lots of white space, clean lines, few colors. Although, I do enjoy learning about all the different design techniques, especially the ones in the past that helped shape the graphic design industry.

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