
Social Media Connection

Websites like MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter are all designed for friends and family members near or far to stay connected. However, social networks only connect people on the surface level. As new modes of communication develop, people become ignorant in the social graces, and display ineptitude to socialize in real life settings. Social networks are supposed to promote an alternative means for traditional conversation, not an alternate realities in which people hide behind photoshopped profile pictures and escape into a fantasy world. What allures people into social media is the quick, fast, and easy method of communication. Instead of meeting someone in person, one can just simply instant message or chat with the other person online. Furthermore, people are oblivious of the serious maliciousness of viral marketing in which third parties obtain personal information on social networks and use it for their advantage; they gain insight on what people like and use that as a means to solicit advertisements and spam. However, social media is not entirely ‘evil’ as it seems; it provides an avenue for people to share their lives with close friends and families that do not have the opportunity to meet on a face to face basis. As long as people manage to maintain a balance between socializing online and socializing outside, they will not be pulled into an illusionary reality. Social networks should promote online communications in order for people to further current existing relationships that they have in real life – not become a sealed off place that prevents people from socializing outside.

