
Design is ......

Design is a concept.

Design is an idea.

Design is intend for a purpose.

Design can be anything you can think of.

Design often relate to style or fashion, but these elements are usually employed at the end of the design process.

Design is to solve problems. This can be a stickier Post-It, a more user-friendly Ipod, a more efficient energy-saving light bulb, or a space saving dinning table set.

Design is look at in term of its use. Anything that affects the use of a product is part of design. And the success of a design depend on how well it is used. Design is judge objectively by how much and how well it is used.

Art, on the other hand, is subjective.

Art is not about use. It’s about the appreciation of beauty. But Design can be appreciate as well. However, people tend to take great design work for granted. People didn't notice or forgot how well these designs is when eople just use them.

A door handles on my VW Passat are very well designed. Even an 1 year old knows how to open a car door. You grab the handle and pull, and your arm doesn’t have to twist in a painful way in order to open the door. They don’t snag clothes because of their shape. And you can open them with only one finger when you have 5 shopping bag in you hand. But I bet 99% of car owners never even consider the car handle as a product of design. They simply use the door handle without a second thought like it is suppose to be that way.

Good design becomes invisible when it is well used.

Designers create something to use.

Artists create something to appreciate.

Design is Everything.

