
The Design Process

Every designer have to go thought the design process in order to create a final design.

Designers are first inspired by an idea.

Then they will figure out how they want to present the idea. The ideas can be present as different kind of form like thought a picture, a sculpture, a pieces of clothing, or a movie. Design can be present a many form, because everything go thought the design process.

The style of the design is based on the designer, each designer have their own style and taste. Style and taste can be very similar or very different among designers.

After the designers figure out how to present the idea and what style they prefer to use, they will put all their ideas together and work on the structure of their design.

The actual construction of the design is done by applying skills and knowledge. The actual work of design can take hours, days, months, or even years to finish.

When everything is done, the design piece need a final touch to it before it can be shown to the world. Painting and picture need to be framed in order to be appreciate by the people. Movies need to be edited and promoted in order to attract audience. Clothes need to be modeled and advertised in order to appeal to customer. Every design need a touch up so that their surface appear to be more attractive.

